The rapid modernization evident in the world we live in today has falsely led many people to overlook the relevance of the classical tradition. One mistake that is often made is the consideration of classical architecture as obsolete. However, after thousands of years, the classical style remains very prominent in our modern societies and is anything but obsolete. Because people are often caught up in the present moment and tend to focus only on the latest innovation and newest advancement, the past is easily overlooked. For this reason, I would like to argue that while the majority of today’s architectural schools are founded upon modernist philosophies and focus only on the most futuristic of design ideas, the best way to train aspiring architects is through the more traditional approach of studying classical architecture. Studying the classical tradition is the best way to train aspiring architects for their future careers because a firm understanding of classical conventions can be applied to all styles of design and provides the student with a better overall understanding of the architectural language.